Thomas is a dynamic, active and motivated person who takes pleasure in communicating with people and being open to others. With a background in Marketing and Hospitality Management, Thomas’ ability to connect with people has given him the foundation to develop his Real Estate career.
Authentic, friendly, and effective, Thomas prides himself on giving honest advice about the market and has a real passion to help people achieve their goals, whether it be helping them sell their home, to buy their dream home, Investment property or even a holiday home so they have the ability to enjoy what the beautiful Peninsula has to offer.
Originally from Strasbourg, France Thomas moved to the Mornington Peninsula 10 years ago where his wife grew up and fell in love with the area, our community and what our surroundings have to offer.
Outside work, Thomas enjoys spending time with his wife, Montana and his young daughter Valentine. He is passionate about real estate, surfing, sports, travel and good food.
By the numbers
Properties Listed & Sold
Properties on the market
Median Sales Price (Last 12 mths)
Average days on market (Last 12 mths)