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Equipped with multiple years in the Real Estate Industry, Scott uses his vast knowledge to support and educate in order to give his clients the best experience possible.

Prior to starting his real estate career, Scott spent 5 years working as a teacher in China. The experience has allowed him to build on many skills including his fluency in Chinese Mandarin. After 11 years of speaking Mandarin, Scott’s passion for the language and the culture enable him to communicate effectively with both the ever-growing Chinese community and the local community.

With his sales experience, Scott can close the deal effectively, all the while maintaining strong communication between clients. It is Scott’s goal in his career to help wherever possible and make selling or buying a home as simple as possible.

Scott is happily married and has one daughter. Having grown up in Regional Victoria, Scott has a different outlook on life and loves to learn about the history of the areas he operates in. Scott spends his free time with family and developing his skills further.

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Primary Location

Barry Plant

03 9803 0400