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Sharon is a dedicated and enthusiastic Sales Consultant who provides exceptional customer service and many years of experience. She has an outgoing, cheerful personality and loves to dress up! Her keen eye for attention to detail helps to ensure that her service is always delivered with quality. One of her main talents is her ability to speak 5 languages fluently; this includes English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Hokkien, and Bahasa Malay. This is linked to her exceptional listening and communication skills and the understanding and appreciation of different cultures.

Sharon's willingness to explore gave her the opportunity to begin her career in real estate and now she is part of a well established real estate company. With her extensive experience working in customer service with a luxury brand, Sharon is someone you can put your trust in. She has also been a local of the City of Monash for over 10 years, and as such, Sharon is very familiar with the local area and community. You can ask her anything and she is always up for a chat.

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Primary Location

Barry Plant

03 9803 0400